1. Qualify for 2026 Boston Marathon (BQ). Next year I'll be 60 years old when Boston comes around so I need a 3:50 marathon to BQ. To be safe, running 3:45 will likely get me into the race. First goal is to BQ with a 3:50 time, bonus for 3:45 or better. Don't think I'll be ready for a spring marathon. Maybe summer or fall. June-Sept there are downhill trail marathons around Seattle area. In Sept there is the Last Chance to BQ2 marathon in Chicago suburbs.
2. Run a 1:45:55 half-marathon. According to McMillan running calculator, a 3:45 marathon is equivalent to a 1:45 HM. Seems like a good spring goal to give confidence for a latter full marathon. Bonus if I can run a 6:39 mile, 23:05 5k, or 47:57 10k (time trial or race). Those times are all based on McMillan calculator equivalent to 3:45 full marathon.
3. Run across Grand Canyon (Rim-to-Rim). Bonus if I can turn around and run back (RTRTR). Best time of year is April-May or Sept-Oct. I'm not ready for a spring attempt. Can I do it this fall? If I can find 1-2 friends to join me, it's a go!
4. Finish one ultramarathon. Bonus for 2 or more. I used to run several ultras every year. Last year my longest run was just over 20 miles. Sad. Time to take it up a notch! We have the local Free Ultra Quadfecta, so no excuses. I'll miss the Riddle Run in January, but that still leaves Backyard Ultra in July, Allerton Trail Ultra in October, and Winter Solstice Ultra in December.
5. Run at least 1,200 miles for the year. Bonus for 1,243 miles (2,000 km). I can average 100 miles/month, right? I didn't in 2024. Seems like a good process goal. If I am training for a BQ, an ultra, and a Grand Canyon run, I better be running consistently and knocking off long runs. Minimum of 1200 miles. Minimum.