Sunday, July 7, 2024

Backyard Ultra DNF: Are Ultras For Me?

2010 Canadian Death Race with Gregg
We had our local Backyard Ultra yesterday. I did 5 loops for about 20.6 miles. The winner did 13 loops or 54+ miles. It was sunny and warm. Slightly humid too. But the main problem was me. I'm just not in ultra shape. No long runs lately. In fact, my past 3 ultra attempts have ended at 20 miles (Clinton Lake in December, Riddle Run in January, and now Backyard Ultra in July). Maybe ultras are not for me (anymore). I've done 113 ultra/marathons. Maybe that is enough?

When I think about my running preferences, ultras don't seem to be at the top of my list. Here are some preferences I have regarding my running:

Roads vs trails vs track vs treadmill: I much prefer trail running to anything else. Track might come in second with roads and treadmill last. Most ultras are on trails, so that might bode well for my future ultra running!

Slow vs fast running: I prefer to run fast. It just feels right. Tempo runs, intervals, strides. They are all awesome. Slow runs don't capture my attention. Not good perspective for ultras!

Long vs medium vs short runs: My favorite runs are probably medium length efforts (5-7 miles), but I do enjoy the shorter and faster runs too. Long runs are OK, but not my preference. Again, not great priority if I want to run ultras!

Hot vs cold runs: Absolutely prefer cold running. Or cool running. Not hot running. This is likely true for all runners, but I have friends that actually enjoy the heat. Not me. I'm not a huge fan of 20F winter runs either, but I'll take that over 85F. A nice overcast 55F degree day would be my ideal. 

So, combining the above preferences, guess I enjoy medium length fast trail runs in cool temperatures. Doesn't exactly point to future ultras. I should find races that fit this criteria. Then train for those races. That would increase my enjoyment and set me up for success. Locally that means races like Allerton half-marathon in April, maybe Buffalo Trace 5M in May, plus Allerton 5.7M and Aruna 5K trail runs in October. If I look harder, I can probably find other local trail runs in temperate weather. 

I'm not giving up on ultras just yet, but I'll probably do our Free Ultra series (currently four trail events) and treat them as fun long runs with no intention of finishing the full distance. Maybe the ultra bug will bite me again. Or not. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

6 Days to the Backyard Ultra

In 6 days I'll be participating in our local annual "Backyard Ultra" (formerly known as "Last Man Standing"). All the runners start at 7am, run/walk a 4.16 mile trail course in less than one hour, then rest until the top of the next hour and repeat. 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm...until only one person is left finishing a loop. Considering we have the event in early July in central Illinois, it's always hot and humid. Usually sunny too! Not ideal running conditions. But how hard is it to run/walk 4.16 miles in 60 minutes? Easy on the first loop, but every loop gets just a little harder. Almost imperceptibly harder. And you normally need (or want) time to recover, eat, drink, use the bathroom, change shoes, socks, etc. That all counts as part of your "one hour" to complete a loop and be ready for the next start. After 5 or 6 hours of this, a normal non-elite runner starts to tire. After 7 loops, you've achieved "ultra" status by completing more than a marathon (7 x 4.16 miles = 29.12 miles). 

That's my goal on July 6. Just 7 loops, 29+ miles. That's what I did last year and hope to do this year. My main goal is simply slow and steady progress for 7 hours, no injuries, and a quick recovery so I can continue training for my 5K race on August 3. This "Backyard Ultra" is probably not ideal training for a fast 5K one month later, but it's my training. I have not put in any endurance training for this ultra, instead focusing on less mileage and faster paces. My goal is a fast 5K and a slow, but achievable, ultramarathon.

The world record for a Backyard Ultra is 108 loops or 450 miles. Our local event usually stops with 10 or less loops. It's just a fun, local running event. And free! Part of our Free Ultra Quadfecta: 4 ultra races, all free, all fun. Riddle Run (28 miler) in January, Backyard Ultra in July, Allerton Ultra (~30 miles) in October, and Clinton Winter Solstice 30 miler in December. If you do all four you get a prize. Nothing fancy. Maybe a shirt or wooden memento. No fees, just fun, simple running. 

I have very little chance of winning this event. And no records will be broken. But I'll gather with old running friends, share a common trail, and tell stories. That's enough. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Random Thoughts on Earth Day
On this Earth Day 2024 (April 22), I am thinking of my sister Sandy who passed away 18 years ago. It's been a long time. Still miss her, but some memories are fading. Need to share stories with my brothers so we don't forget. Every April 22 I take the day off of work, run on the trails (Sandy loved nature), donate to local humane society (she loved animals), and think about her and the rest of the family. Today I was tired from running the Allerton Trail half-marathon on the weekend and only managed a slow 2.25 miles at Lake of the Woods. Better than nothing. I'd love to do something extra special for the 20th anniversary of her death in 2026. Something that would remind me of her. Maybe run the April Boston Marathon (close to where she was born). Maybe run the May Avenue of the Giants Marathon (where she went to college). Maybe both. Or the other marathon in Arcata, CA, Redwoods Marathon in October. Or maybe no race and just have a fantastic adventure across the Grand Canyon...and back (R2R2R). Not sure what I'm planning. Just thinking...reaching...hoping. 

Last year on Earth Day I was running the Allerton Trail half-marathon. Finished in 1:58. This year I finished in 1:57. A year older and one minute faster. Guess that is good. Sad thing is I did not finish in top 3 for my age group (50-59) for either race (4th place both years). Lot of fast 50 year-olds out there on the trails! Next year I need to get an age group award. I tend to do better in shorter races. After the Illinois HM (April 27), I have a 5K race on May 4. Guess I'll see if I have any speed left in these old legs.  

As I sit writing this blog post, I'm tired and sore. But I have another half-marathon on the roads this Saturday: Illinois Half Marathon. I'd like to run 1:47 because that will get me a qualifying time for the Last Chance BQ.2 race in Sept (or April). If I can qualify at either race, that will set me up for Boston 2026. My other potential qualifying race would probably be next year's Illinois Marathon. 

Happy Earth Day. Reduce, recycle, reuse. Think about the future. And think about family and friends.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Quiet February, Busy March, Races in April!

The end of December through January was a busy time for me and running. I had the Clinton Lake Winter Solstice Run (30 miler, but I DNF'd at 20 miles) plus the January Riddle Run 28-miler (I DNF'd at 20 miles). At least I am consistent in my DNFs. No injuries, no illness, just terrible winter weather and two poor races. February was a rest month. No specific training, no racing, just getting out the door, running, and throwing in a few strides. Now that March is almost here (thanks Leap Day!), I have plans for real training as I prepare for 3 races in April. Here are those races and my plans:

April 20: Allerton Trail Half-Marathon. Did this last race year and the second part of the course surprised me! It had newer sections that were not worn down--very uneven and rough trail. Those wore me down and I did not have the discipline to run within myself. This year I'll be ready. Or at least "more ready" than last year. Plan on several 10-13 mile trail runs. Plus weekly speed work (cycling through hill repeats, track intervals, and tempo runs). If we get the traditional rains in March and April, the course will probably be muddy and wet--but I'll be stronger than last year. And faster. And more patient. Ran 1:58 last year, maybe 1:55 this year?

April 27: Illinois Half-Marathon. Was not planning on this race, but what the hell! I could use a good test of my stamina. Hopefully the trail HM will not beat me up too much the week before and I'll be ready for a fast road effort. I know this course well and it's a local race. Very low stress. The only pressure is ME wanting to race FAST. That's on me. Since it is a fairly flat road course, I'm hoping for a 1:45-1:50 finish. Whatever I run at the Allerton trail HM, I think I can knock 10 minutes off here. Weather will be a big factor. It could be hot and humid, or cool and dry. Hopefully not windy. 

May 4: Kirby Derby 5K. Why not have three races on three consecutive weekends? If the two half marathons don't kill me, maybe the 5K will. Only doing this race since it is part of the local "Triple Crown" (Allerton trail race in April, Kirby Derby in May, Allerton trail race in October). Who can pass up an extra prize for doing all three? After the road HM and this 5K, I should know where my speed and endurance are at--and how my training went in March and April. Plenty of time to adjust training plans and get ready for summer races (for now, Last Man Standing in July and Mahomet 5K in August). Think I can run a 22:00 5K on roads. Unless the two half-marathons wore me down, injured me, or made me not care. We shall see.

Enjoy Leap Day!