Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gotta Love Fat Ass Runs

This Saturday we have the "Riddle Run" 28 mile fat ass run in Mahomet, IL. Next weekend we have the Kennekuk 28 mile fat ass run at Lake Mingo. No fees, no complaining, no awards, and no official aid. Both events usually have a great spread of food and drink provided by the runners themselves. Actually, for the Lake Mingo Fat Ass, KRR provides a ton of support, food, and drinks (including beer)--it's a member-only event so the club kicks in a lot of extras.

A nice history and summary of "Fat Ass" runs can be found at an Australian fat ass site. Joe Oakes from California is given credit for "founding" the fat ass concept. Essentially "Fat Ass" is the name given to any low key ultra run that is characterized by the philosophy "No Fees, No Awards, No Aid, No Wimps". Free events put on by passionate runners! That's certainly true of the Riddle Run and KRR Fat Asses. Good people hitting the trails because they love to run. No paperwork. No bureaucracy. No winners. No losers. No rules. You gotta love that!


  1. Chris,
    Would you consider posting a "how to be an RD" article, since you just recently went through all the logistics? I've been thinking of organizing a trail ultra out east but don't exactly know how to get started.

  2. Sounds like a great idea. It could be a week-long series of posts on different aspects of starting a race. I've now started two races (Buffalo Trace 5 Miler and the Clinton Lake 30 Miler). And those two are soon to be followed by my greatest accomplishment yet...the 7-Day Buffalo Trace Trail Run in June! Be forewarned---it ain't easy starting a race--lots of coordination, planning, and politics.

  3. great idea by Jim. I'd to be interested in knowing what's involved. I think it would be great if we had a fat ass race up here in chicagoland suburbs somewhere at some point. I don't know of any, do you?

