Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all the Clinton Lake ultra runners! And all the other runners too. It's cold in central Illinois...light snow flurries, 18 degrees, 30 mph winds, and a -6 wind chill. NOTE: I added a weather feed to the blog yesterday. I am skipping Clinton trail for today. The weather will warm up this weekend and I'll go out Sunday to do Clinton (Saturday is Siberian Express race).

I did the 3-mile Body n' Sole new year's eve fun run last night. I've done every one of them (I think it's 8 or 9 so far). It was nice road running with people I don't see too often--Bruce, Bonnie, Stan, etc. I figure if the bowlegged "Iron Bison" (Bruce) can run a few miles with a bad back, bad knees, bad everything, I can do them too with a simple sore calf. I got a few free goodies (Cliff bar, Luna bar, Wright socks, Propel drink mix, and Polar water bottle) and caught up on the Across the Years gossip (Brian and Tracy both had given up the 400m loop for beer--good decision for injured runners). Tracy ended up with 175 miles and Brian got 150 miles. Not a bad way to end the year...and start the new one! Congratulations to them both.

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