Sunday, February 24, 2008

"All easy runs until July"

On many occasions over the last 6 weeks I've told my informal coach (Jeff) that my training plan is to do "all easy runs until July." No hard breathing, no fast heart rates, no speed work. Just easy paced runs...some long, some short. Maybe a little cross training too. The key was to keep the heart rate in the purely aerobic zone. Only after July 1 could I start speed work. The plan was to build up a good, solid aerobic base without injury. Then toss in some fast workouts through July and August to sharpen up for the Howl at the Moon 8-hour race.

I guess I should have followed my plan. Yesterday at Clinton Lake I ran too fast. The snow got my heart rate going. My iPod got my motivation going. And Pat on my tail was that extra fuel on the fire! Even though I could feel my feet slipping a bit on the snow and ice, I kept pushing. Last night and today my lower back is killing me. I was probably leaning from the waist as I tried to move up the hills at Clinton Lake. I had to stop twice during my easy run at the Mahomet trails this morning--my back "froze up" on me. Pain killers and a heating pad seem to be working well for now. If I have the wisdom and patience to follow my own training plan, "All easy runs until July," I may be OK. McNaughton Park 100 is in mid-April. I'm behind schedule on long runs. Oh well.

Note to self: Keep away from Pat. He may be "injury prone," but that old dude can run!

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