Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Few Race Rules

The race web site and entry form listed a few things about the race, but I have received many questions about various race day rules & procedures. Here are a few answers:

1. We do not have drop bags at the far aid station. If you happen to get your bag out there, that's fine. But find a way to retrieve it too. I'm not responsible for any drop bags. You do come by your car at the start/finish so that can be your personal "drop bag" if needed.

2. No pacers until the last loop. And they need to be respectful of other runners and the limited aid station grub.

3. No littering! Seems easy enough. Don't toss your gel wrappers or any other trash onto the course. Save it and toss it at an aid station.

4. No vehicles on the course (including mountain bikes). No dogs on the course either (during the race). Dogs are normally allowed on the course, but not during the race due to race liability and insurance requirements. No horses on this section of the park.

5. There will be port-o-potties at the start/finish and the 5-mile aid station. If nature calls between those two aid stations, feel free to enjoy the great outdoors, but be discreet and get off the immediate trail.

6. Officially I believe our insurance policy forbids headphones. This is for safety reasons (you need to be aware of your surroundings). I doubt we can enforce this policy over 30 miles of trail. Please be extra careful when you get to the two short road sections.

7. Much of the trail is narrow single-track. Slower runners should step aside for faster runners that need to pass them. Faster runners should kindly announce their intentions ("passing on your left...thanks!").

8. There is cell phone coverage at the start/finish, but not on most of the trail. If you need attention (injury, dropping out, whatever) please tell a passing runner and they'll relay the message at the next aid station. We'll probably have 1-2 people wandering the trail during the race to make sure all is well.

9. If you think you'll need more than 8 hours to finish the 30 miles, use the early 7am start! Tell the race director in advance and be ready to go at 7am sharp. Regular race starts at 8am.

10. Any official finish counts toward the IL Trail Ultra Grand Slam. If I list you as a finisher, then you are a finisher...even if you take a few minutes past the 4pm cut-off. Don't push it--I'm not going to stick around forever. I really don't want anyone starting a 3rd loop after 2pm.

11. I am the race director, but I am also registered (paid full price) to run the race. The race director is one tough guy--no race discounts even for himself! Don't let me catch you violating the rules. Be respectful of others on the course (runners, walkers, or hikers) and don't litter. It's a privilege to be out there, not a right.

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