Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SWRC "Article Contest"

Our local running club (Second Wind) has a great newsletter (In Passing). It's won several RRCA club newsletter awards...and it deserved them. The recent issue (Jan/Feb 2008) just arrived and it surprised (and disappointed) me. There is a 2008 "Best Article Contest" being advertised, but it is only offered for "the best article submitted to In Passing in 2008 for a report or story on a race of 10K or less." What the hell? Why don't stories about a marathon or an ultramarathon count? Seems a bit prejudicial to discriminate against longer races and the fine folks that run them. Some of the best stories (written or oral) that I've come across are about the struggles of completing an ultra race. Or the tales of volunteering at an ultra aid station. Or the 6 month training plans leading up to that first ultra race start. Or the tears accompanying the finish of a first 100 miler. I haven't seen too many people cry after their first 5K race. It's fantastic that the club is encouraging and recognizing good writing. But why leave out the ultra runners?

PS: I am announcing a 2008 "Best Comment on this Blog" contest. The winner will be chosen by me and will be based on how well the comment praises the Clinton Lake Trail Run & its race director. Get to it! Let the flattery begin.


  1. Umm, is there a hefty cash prize for the best blog comment? I say empty the coffers, moon dude.

  2. Yeah, whomever wins can be the next Moon Master! Or the next Clinton Lake race director! Hmmm...next Prez of SWRC? Or maybe you just get the coins in my change jar at home. I'll keep thinking about the prize...you just keep commenting.

  3. This blog is just awesome! WOW, Chris I do not know how you come up with such great stuff. I wish I had started reading this months ago as my life would be better off. I start each day with a run and then reading this blog. No day is complete without reading something inspiring from Chris. Each day just gets better and better. You are the best race director ever - and I have not even participated in one of your races yet. Looking forward to the end of March! - DID I WIN?

  4. You're on the right track! Keep up the praise.

  5. Chris, I cannot sleep because I cant wait to run the Clinton Lake Ultra. The entire course could flood (100 feet of water) and I would still complete the race. Why? Because you are the RD! It is worth it to say that I completed a race that you were the RD! I wish CL were in 2 days. Not 1 - however, since I need a day to get there!

    Gotta go print off my "Clinton Lake Ultra - RD Fan Club" T Shirts!

  6. That is good stuff! Almost too good.

  7. Chris,

    I am sooooooooo sad that others have elected not to honestly let you know how much they admire your ability as a RD! Maybe they assume that you already know how great you are. Maybe they are speechless at your #1 ranking in the latest ESPN, Ultrarunner, USA Today RD rankings. Or, it could be they they are not sure how to address you as you are, most likely, going to be named the ALL TIME RD.

    Rumor has it that they are in the process of adding your likeness to Mt. Rushmore.

    Chris, this has been fun. I am just disappointed that others did not join in on the easy task of telling you how great you are. Now, what is my prize? I will happily donate and cash prize to the Chris for best RD of all-time fund.

  8. You are in the lead for best comments, but the contest isn't over yet! People can comment on any blog posting...and the contest needs to last longer than one week. The SWRC article contest is all of 2008. The blog contest should be AT LEAST through race day.

  9. I better get working on my postings.

    Looking forward to the run!
