Monday, March 17, 2008

"The hay is in the barn!"

OK runners, the "hay is in the barn!" There's nothing more to do. You've done all the hard training and there's nothing you can do between now and race day that will make you stronger--except rest. You may be feeling itchy and want to get in one or two more speed workouts. Or even just one more long 20 miler. Don't do it! I suggest one more 10-12 miler this weekend coming up. The rest of your runs should be easy and fairly short ones--around 3-5 milers. This is the time to let your body absorb all the hard training and heal up so you'll be fresh on race day. Best to come to the starting line a bit under-trained, but healthy and injury-free instead of over-trained and injured. You officially have my permission and blessing to take it easy for 12 days. Don't worry, I'll run you ragged on race day whether you are trained or not. Enjoy all you have done over the past weeks and months. You've earned some down time.

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