Sunday, March 30, 2008

Race Results

The race director can now relax--like the photo at left during the race (photo by Dave Ghent). Results are now posted on the Second Wind Running Club web site. Please let me know if you think there are errors. I will send the results to our club newsletter and UltraRunning magazine, so I want them to be final & accurate soon. Thanks. We had 128 registered for the race, 109 starters, and 95 finishers (14 DNF). Next year I'd like to have over 100 finishers! Either I increase the race limit (unlikely) or I have fewer DNS and DNFs. Time to start training for next year...but don't get injured.

Soon I'll send an e-mail with a web survey to all the racers that ran at least one loop (even the DNFers). I want your feedback about the race. I'll be gathering insights from the volunteers and the running club too. Once all the data is in, I'll make some decisions about next year and let you know what changes are planned. Hope to see all of you back at Clinton Lake in 2009.

Special thanks to Second Wind Running Club, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and all the volunteers & sponsors. The race couldn't happen without you.


  1. not a big deal as far as errors go -- but there are a couple places where people finished together at the same time, so theoretically, they should both get the same "place" number -- me and chris did at 40/41 and there is another couple ahead of us.
    i had a GREAT time running the race -- so glad you talked me into signing up after running my first clinton loop back in october... can't wait til next year!

  2. Good point. There are people after you with identical times too. I'll try to change that in the final race results (including those I send to UltraRunning magazine). It'll only take a few extra minutes to edit. Then a new file uploaded to the web. Good run Eli!

  3. chris,

    nice race. friendly people, good aid stations, good course. i thought the blog/faqs/links from the second wind site/buffalo message board worked great to distribute lots of info to people new to the race. thanks!

    the raking-of-the-leaves was pretty outstandingly generous. that side of the course was very nice to run on. i cant remember who was in on that, exactly, but you guys have a round on me the next time we meet up.

    and thanks to all the volunteers.

    andrew moss

  4. Jeff and I raked the leaves on the west side. Jeff doesn't drink, so I'll take his beer too!

  5. Chris, thanks for all the effort. It was a great introduction to ultras for me. I appreciate all of the hard work.

  6. Hope you can make it back again next year Logan. I'm considering a free entry for all current champions (and free RD entry too!). Club has to approve the idea.
