Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome to Spring

Today is the first day of spring! (Don't confuse spring with the celestial equinox.) For central Illinois and the Midwest that seems to mean rain and floods. We have some pretty saturated ground locally, but southern Illinois and Missouri got more flooding than us. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that we could have a repeat of last year's race conditions---mud, more mud, and then a little more mud. We still have 9 days for things to get back to normal. The tree buds are coming out and the grass is starting to turn green. Birds are singing, bunnies and squirrels are in mating mode, and the weather is getting warmer. Tomorrow is a full moon and the local buffalo runners plan to do a crazy night run at Clinton Lake...after the regular crazy full moon run at Lake of the Woods. Nothing like 15 miles at night through the mud! Welcome to spring in Illinois.


  1. Does this explain why Chicago area is suppsoed to get 2-8 inches of snow tonight (depending on who you believe). Thanks Chris :-)

  2. Makes me want to come down to central Illinois to do my 25 miler. Snow over the next 3 days. Yikes! Got to love the Chicago Spring time weather.

    Mud, more mud, even more mud, and even more mudierest seems likely for next week's CL 30. Should be fun :-)

  3. I suppose rain and mud (like I'll have tomorrow at NIGHT at CLINTON trail) is better than snow and ice. You guys should be tapering anyway. Stay warm inside.

  4. Ian's been tapering all season ;-). all in good fun Ian, don't beat me up for it :-O
