Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When is Spring?

Damn. We got a little bit of sleet last night and now we have hail and snow coming down with a chance for mixed precipitation (snow, sleet, hail, freezing rain) throughout the day. We are supposed to get about 3-5 inches of snow before the day is over. And lots of strong winds. When is spring? The calendar says March 20. That's less than 3 weeks. I can wait. What ever happened to global warming? Does global warming mean longer, colder, and snowier winters? If I had the space and money, I'd buy a treadmill and just run at my house whenever I wanted. For now, I'll go to the local gym...again. I guess I'm getting my money's worth at the gym.

Only 25 days until the Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run. If we don't get some extended warm and dry days, the ground will not thaw out and absorb all this moisture. We could have a repeat of last year--water and mud all over the course. Everyone is welcome to come down for the last training run on March 15.


  1. i think this was in the original race flier. . .which i can't find now. maybe this is the place to bring it up? "race director guarantees one of the following: sun, a dry course or yak trax for ultra newbies." do i have that right? was that a typo? my gosh this weather is bumming me out.

  2. I have no evidence any of that was promised to the runners! ;-)

  3. Guess your forgetting it was 70 degrees a couple of days ago?
