Saturday, April 19, 2008

Glucosamine & Microlactin

Got knee problems? What ultra runner doesn't? I'm not a doctor, but I can suggest that you try glucosamine and/or microlactin. I've used both for a couple years now and think they've improved my joint lubrication and reduced my knee pain. I've tried MSM and chondroitin too, but I don't think they are as effective. Try all four and see which works for you. They all need some time to get into your system and start working--give them 2-4 weeks before deciding on their usefulness. I've bought most of my vitamins and supplements (including all those listed above) from Swanson Vitamins (NFI). To be safe, consult your doctor for advice on how these supplements might work into your training. I'm sure you've gotten good guidance in the past from your primary care physician about running ultra marathons.

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