Saturday, April 5, 2008

McNaughton Park 50/100/150 Run

Good luck to all those registered for the McNaughton Park races (including me!). The race is next weekend (April 11-13). Andy is a great race director and he puts on three wonderful events. Everyone should enjoy the trail and all the dedicated volunteers (especially the buffalo at Heaven's Gate). This is race #2 in the Illinois Trail Ultra Grand Slam. Finish this one and you'll be 50% of the way to the Slam. I'll be interested in how Clinton Lake runners compare McNaughton to Clinton. I find them very similar in overall difficulty (Clinton has MORE small hills, McNaughton a few BIG and STEEP hills). McNaughton also has 2 stream crossings and a few spots that are often muddy. Bring shoes that drain well...and a change of socks wouldn't hurt either.

I hope to see a few red Clinton Lake race shirts at McNaughton Park. If you have last year's white race shirt...that'll do too!


  1. Good luck at the race, 100 miles so early in the season almost sounds painful. I love the red clinton lake race shirt, the half zip will be excellent on hot summer days, if we ever get that in wyoming, we still have 3 feet of snow on the ground and still snowing. Those small hills at clinton lake were killers at times, up and down, do over.

  2. Hope the BUffalo keep the soup hot for me!

    See you guys there!

  3. John, too bad about the Patriots bet. Hope you get some warm weather for the underwear running!
