Sunday, June 29, 2008

Extreme Running Book

"The more restrictive our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom." (Sir Roger Bannister)

As part of my celebration of finishing 303 miles during the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race, I decided to treat myself to a new running book. I bought "Extreme Running." It is the most attractive running book I've ever seen. The publisher did a top-notch job of using the highest quality paper, photos, typeset, layout, etc. It's gorgeous. The book highlights 24 extreme running events from around the globe (organized by continent). Some I had heard of (Badwater Ultramarathon, Yukon Arctic Ultra, Jungle Marathon, Marathon des Sables, etc) and others I had never heard anything about (Verdon Canyon Challenge, Bogong to Hotham Trail Run, Lake Baikal International Ice Marathon). All the entries are very interesting and fairly short reads--basic race & course statistics, summary of the event, and GREAT photographs. The book is worth the price just for the pictures. If I ever thought the 7-day stage race was hard, all I have to do is open this book and look at some of the crazy terrain people run through in these truly EXTREME events. Three hundred and three miles at Lake of the Woods trails over 7 days barely qualifies as training for one of these races!

"After gazing at the sky for some time, I came to the conclusion that such beauty had been reserved for remote and dangerous places, and that nature has good reasons for demanding special sacrifices from those who dare to contemplate it." (Richard E Byrd)

NOTE: Links to all of my running books, including this one, can be found on the "My Books" section on the left side of the blog. It randomly displays 2 books, but you can click on "my library" and it'll take you to all of them.

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