Sunday, August 10, 2008

47.06 at Howl

Overall 2008 Howl at the Moon results are here. Tom Marriage photos from Howl are here. Photo to left (from Shanin) is me with about 10 yards to go before 8:00 time is up! Tim on my left is completing over 51 miles. Tony ("Scarface") on my right is already finishing his 3rd or 4th beer (he was a volunteer, not a runner)!

I didn't get 50 miles and I didn't even set a new PR at Howl at the Moon yesterday. Oh well. I did tie my old PR (47.06 miles) so that's not too bad. My 47.06 miles was good enough for 20th (tie) place overall. It was a bit humid (we even got a touch of light rain), but in general the weather was pretty nice for the first 5-6 hours. In the afternoon, the sun came out and it got rather hot. Still, the temps weren't too bad (high of 80). I ran with Andrew ("Cable Guy") for almost the entire race. For the first 4-5 hours we just kept leap frogging each other as Andrew jogged the hills and I walked...then I'd pick it up on the downhill portions to catch him once again. It was nice running our own styles, but still staying together. I would have slowed down much earlier in the run if it weren't for the Cable Guy. For the last two hours, we just slogged along together doing the best we could in the increasing heat. I think we pushed each other to keep up as we both wanted to get close to 50 miles. We ended up with 14 full loops (14 x 3.29 miles=46.06) plus 2 half-mile out & backs (46.06 + 1=47.06 miles). Not a bad day of running. I'm still disappointed I didn't get 50 miles or a new PR, but that's the way it goes. I really want to take a year off from this race and do Pikes Peak Ascent & Marathon instead next August. Not sure I earned that "treat"--I may need to come back YET AGAIN in 2009 to try for 50 miles (or at least a new PR).

Even though I didn't reach my goal, I did survive another Howl. I'm injury free and feeling pretty good today...except for some very sore muscles. My home-made sports drink worked well (I had lemonade and tea versions). I'll share my simple recipe soon.

My up-to-date statistics for Howl at the Moon 8-Hour:

Total Races: 8
Low: 37.81 miles (2000)
High: 47.06 miles (2006, 2008)
Total Miles: 351.20
Average Miles: 43.90
Best Placing: 12th (2005)
Worst Placing: 44th (2000)

Congratulations to Tim ("TC") for finally breaking 50 miles. You'll be my inspiration for next year. Did I say "next year"? Also, a big shout out to two female buffalo--Christine (58 miles and a new course record) and Ellen (56 miles). And to top it off for the buffalo, Brian set a new walker division record with 41 miles! The buffalo cleaned up at the awards.


  1. Congrats on your performance; wish I could have been a part of it this year.

    I'll take being injury-free after an ultra anyday.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)

  2. I ended up with a left foot injury. Seems like soft tissue damage that should heal up--tendons/ligaments on the top and instep of the foot. It's been 2 weeks and I can now run without pain (but it's still a bit sore afterwards).
