Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First Training Day Goes OK

Today was my first training day with some sense of accountability and purpose. Coach Jeff has figured out how to post comments on this blog so he'll track my training and provide feedback. This week is a transition period into "real" training that will start next week after Rock Cut Hobo 50K on Sunday. The goal for today was to get in some slightly faster paced work in my Most Efficient Pace (MEP) heart rate zone (133-143). I did a short 1/4 mile warm-up walk, then ran 2 miles at 8:23 pace with an average heart rate of 135, followed by a 1/4 mile cool down walk. I intended to run 3 miles at MEP pace, but I started to cough uncontrollably at 2 miles--felt like something was stuck in my throat. A bad feeling made worse by being on a treadmill at 8:23 pace! Oh well, enough excuses. I still had a good, short workout and felt great after a bit of stretching. So here are my basic stats:

1/4 mile warm-up and cool-down walk
2 miles @ 8:23 pace on treadmill
Average HR: 135
Shoe: Asics Gel DS Trainer
General feeling: 7/10

Hey coach, is that good?

Tomorow is scheduled to be a 2 mile walk (basically an "off" day). Yesterday was 25 minutes on the elliptical. Thursday is the next workout--5 miles total with 2 miles in the middle as a tempo run at Speedy Aerobic Pace (SAP) which is 143-163 heart rate zone. My current Maffetone heart rate zones are:

MAP: 113-133
MEP: 133-143
SAP: 143-163

More details about these training zones can be found in my previous blog posting (July 17, 2008).

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