Sunday, September 28, 2008

Records Fall!

I ran the Rock Cut Hobo 50K today in 5:40--not a course record and not even a PR for me at the distance, but a fine time for a good old fashioned long run. I finished strong and felt very good. Two buffalo women, Ellen and Christine, both broke the old women's course record--Christine ran 4:19 and Ellen 4:21. Those are blazing times! The buffalo women are killing the men lately. Full race report tomorrow.

Another record was broken today...over at the Berlin Marathon this morning Haile Gebrselassie won in a WORLD RECORD time of 2:03:59! Here's a story from the NYT. He's one of my favorite runners so I'm happy to see him break the record. He's had a tough year and at his age (35) he doesn't have too many world records left in him. Well done.


  1. good run, any details for your coach?? to analyze....average HR etc. negative splits??, like Haile Geb..he ran 62:03 and 61:55 splits for the half..know the time to get the $100,000 cash prize for RiddleRun just got a little harder

  2. I didn't use a heart rate monitor.
    1st loop = 2:49
    2nd loop = 2:51
    Total = 5:40
