Sunday, December 28, 2008

Across the Years Buffalo

The annual pilgrimage to the Across the Years 24-48-72 Hour race is under way. We have 5 buffalo runners participating. The race starts Monday and goes through January 1, 2009. Please keep them in your thoughts...and send them encouraging notes via the race web site. Here they are:

24 Hour
Jim Konopack (first timer)
Jack Polce (first timer)

48 Hour
Tracy Thomas

72 Hour
Brian Kuhn
Shea Nangle (first timer)

Tracy & Brian are experienced veterans at this race. Jack, Jim, and Shea are newbies. You can track their progress and send them notes via the web site (once things start on Monday). The web site has nice runner bios, pictures, and live updates. Good luck to all the runners and extra well wishes to all the buffalo! I'm sure you'll make us all proud.

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