Friday, January 30, 2009

Saddest Illinois Runner

I don't do politics on this blog, but here's our state's most famous (and saddest) runner. Our former governor, Rod Blagojevich. Today the sun shines a bit brighter in Illinois! He was formally impeached and booted out of office yesterday. He is banned from holding public office anywhere in Illinois. Wonder if any races have also banned him? I hope he doesn't show up at Riddle Run tomorrow morning. Too late for him to get into Clinton Lake this year. If he repents, he's welcome at the 2010 Clinton Lake ultra. No special allowances and no "pay to play" deals!


  1. Hey Chris -

    How about a crisp Benjamin for this year's race? ;-)

  2. Funny. Not so funny that our past governor actually may have operated in this fashion. Better times are ahead.

  3. I see that Media Blitz To Bias Juror Pool #2 has begun on Larry King tonight...

    Blago, Blago
    It's off to jail you go...

    Better times indeed - but not for him and most unfortunately, his children.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
