Monday, March 9, 2009

Clinton Lake Race Course

To the left is the elevation profile of the 10-mile loop. It's got hills! Lots of hills. Fortunately, they are mostly small ones. If you don't know yet, this year's race (3rd annual) will go in the opposite direction from the first two years (we'll run clockwise around the lake). We'll start at the same place (north fork boat access parking lot), but the runners will take a left after exiting the lot and head up the road hill. This will give people a nice view of the lake and help separate the pack. We have wheeled and GPS'd the course in the new direction and there are accurate mile markers on the entire course. There will be an aid station at approximately 5.5 miles and the start/finish area. Here is a course map, trail description, and view of the starting area.

NOTE: If the weather forecast indicates that it's going to be a hot day, I will try to put out 2 unmanned water-only stops between the main aid stations. They would consist of a couple 1-gallon water jugs that you could use to fill your water bottle. Don't count on this extra water. You should plan on carrying enough water to make it 5 miles.

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