Thursday, April 23, 2009

ASPCA Fund Raising

After running in memory of my sister yesterday, I feel compelled to run for a charity. Yesterday I ran 47 miles and donated 47 dollars to the local Champaign County Humane Society. It felt good. Time to ramp it up a bit...

I am now an American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Ambassador! Not sure if that gives me diplomatic immunity, but it does give me a venue for helping animals. To better inspire me to run during the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race, I have decided to raise funds for the ASPCA. I've never done this before and I could use your help. Feel free to click on my personal ASPCA fund raising page to donate whatever you feel comfortable with--it's all for a good cause and it is tax deductible. Help the animals while helping me reach my fund raising goal. Thanks in advance! I have added a link to the top left of my blog page too. And the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race web page has a link as well. Whatever reminds you (and me) to donate to the ASPCA. Together we can make a difference in the lives of animals...and maybe motivate me to "run for a higher cause" during the 7-day race.

NOTE: If you decide to contribute, you are not pledging a certain amount per mile. You simply donate a set dollar amount (I'm trying to raise $303 total to match the miles I ran last year in the 7-day event).


  1. Chris,
    I'm in for $20.00 but only if you let me run a few miles with you.
    Do you know when the Howl Registration opens?

  2. Thanks. Howl paper registration is already open (got their newsletter yesterday). The online is supposed to open tomorrow (Saturday). I'll be at Howl too!
