Monday, April 20, 2009

Reasons to Run

(Image from the American band Why? and their 2008 album "Alopecia.")

Why run? Unlike my DNF at the McNaughton Park 100 miler, I now have a few reasons to run. OK, more like reasons to race. But to race well, you need to train well. So I now have a few reasons to train and subsequently race well. Don't pull your hair out trying to find reasons to run, they'll come to you. Here are mine...

My Moon Walk team needs my miles. I mentioned this "Moon Walk" competition in an earlier post. A bunch of teams in Champaign County (currently 125) log their miles (walking, running, biking, swimming, etc) and the team with the best miles per team member average wins. My team is currently in 4th place and we plan on holding onto that spot...or maybe we'll move up! With only 5 total team members, my extra long running miles really count for something. Our average per team member is rather high. When I feel tired after work and don't want to run, I think of my Moon Walk team and get out there to log a few miles. Every mile helps the team. I'm now consistently putting in 2 runs per day. My team gives me a reason to run.

My sister passed away 3 years ago this week. I'll be doing an individual "memorial run" on Earth Day to remember my big sister and honor her with some miles. This is a good motivator for me. No matter the weather, or how I feel, I'll log some solid miles this Earth Day. Memories of my sister give me a reason to run...even if only for one day. I miss you sis. Wish you were here.

My next formal race is the Gnaw Bone 50K on May 9th. This race kicked my ass last year...only because I got lost. If I stayed on course, I think my finish time and placing would have been pretty darn good. This year I hope to be in better shape and a bit more cautious at intersections. I believe I can take 30-45 minutes off last year's time. I'll be ready to tackle the bone. I have revenge in mind...and that's a good motivator!

After Gnaw Bone, my informal week-long race will be coming up...the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race will run from May 24-30. I logged 303 miles last year. I want more this year. I plan to be in better shape, I'm hoping for slightly cooler weather, and I learned a lot about myself and how to pace from last year's effort. Practice makes perfect...and I'm ready to perfect my 7-day running form! The stage race gives me a reason to run.

June and July look to be fairly quiet racing months for me. I might find a local 5K to test my speed, but otherwise I simply plan to log more and more miles in preparation for my goal race of the year...Howl at the Moon 8-Hour run on August 8. Simple enough. I now have several reasons to run. I may not be the aerobic monster I was hoping to be (before McNaughton Park), but I plan on getting there soon. I believe I'll be ready for Howl...50 miles in the heat, sun, and humidity over 8 hours seems possible.

I believe in my running. I have reasons to run. That's a good combination.

UPDATE: I have a new reason to run...I have just started an ASPCA fund raising page as part of my 7-day stage race effort. The link is at the top left of my blog. Or access my ASPCA page directly.


  1. Great inspiring words, Chris. I can empathize with your loss, so maybe I'll put a few Earth Day miles in as well.
