Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm Running Howl at the Moon

Only 8 days to go and I'll be running my 9th Howl at the Moon 8-Hour Run. Even with some recent injuries, I'm now recovering and feeling good. I'm not very well trained, but I'm healthy and injury-free (I think). I'll run a 10-miler on Saturday and another 10-miler on Sunday to test out my fitness...and see if my knee will hold up. Baring any disasters, I'll be at the starting line come 7am Saturday, August 8 to run & walk 8 hours at Howl. I appreciate all the comments to my last post about whether I should run. The consensus is that I should run easy and enjoy the day. Sounds good. Here's my plan...

I'll wear a heart rate monitor and keep my HR below 150 the entire day. That will force me to walk more and keep my running in check. My goal is to get in a good long run so I can kick start my marathon training. But I want to recover quickly so I can continue training without delay. My brother has tons more miles and long runs than me over the last 2 months! I need to catch up. I'm supposed to be the experienced ultra runner that paces him in his first marathon (October 18 at Redwoods Marathon in northern California). In my current training mode I may not be able to run a marathon at his expected pace (just under 9:00 minutes per mile).

I've already loaded up my iPod shuffle with some more Led Zeppelin tunes...and I'll throw in a few favorite podcasts (World Soccer Daily and Dave Ramsey). Good friends, good music, and a little motivation to stay ahead of my brother's marathon training...I'll be ready for Howl.

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