Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hot Temperatures Predicted for Howl at the Moon Race

It figures. I finally decide to run the Howl at the Moon 8-Hour Run and now the race day temperatures are predicted to be 92 degrees! And humid with a chance of thunderstorms. Just my luck. And our summer has been rather cool so I have no acclimatization to the coming heat wave. Oh well. What can you do? For my part, I'm sticking to my "keep the heart rate low" philosophy and I'll just enjoy the hot day. Plus, a friend pointed out that the marathon documentary "Spirit of the Marathon" is now available for free on Hulu. I saw the movie when it came to the theater and now I've watched it again online. The movie, combined with the new book "Born to Run," has me motivated...not sure WHAT I'm motivated for, but I feel psyched to do some kind of running and racing!

Direct link to "Spirit of the Marathon" on Hulu.


  1. It seems like every time I check it, the temps are getting raised. And it's been quite cool up here in Michigan, so no acclimatization on my part either. (Well, aside from the near-80 temps of the local Y, anyway.)

    I've already tossed my A goal, and now am reverting to "Show up, don't get injured, and have fun."

  2. Yeah, I think I may be on my C goal. Words to live by (after showing up)..."Don't get injured and have fun." I agree. Hope you have a good race.
