Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clinton Lake 2010 Race Now 50% Full

Just a quick update and warning...the 2010 Clinton Lake ultra is now 50% full (including all of our past race champions). Registration has only been open for 3 weeks! Once the race is full, it's full. I don't have an official waiting list (and the unofficial list might see only 1-2 people added to the race roster). Check out the race web site to register and view current entrants. I update the registration list more than once a week. For those wanting a taste of the trail, it is currently in OK shape. I believe some unofficial volunteers have done a little maintenance work. I ran the trail this weekend and there is a little debris here and there, but it's basically clear and runnable. The high grass in the open areas has calmed down a bit with the recent frosts (and more hikers/runners using the trail). No itch weed and no briars. A few logs to jump over...that's what trail running is all about! The leaves are changing and the trail is really pretty this time of year (see picture at left taken from the race start area). Be careful and watch your footing...the newly fallen leaves cover up a few roots and rocks.

Another thing to watch out for when you run the Clinton Lake trail this time of year is deer hunting. This is the season to wear brighter colors and keep an eye on the few gun days (archery season is already open, but doesn't seem as scary or dangerous for the runners). Here are the firearm dates:

November 20-22
December 3-6
(Muzzleloader only is Dec. 11-13)
December 31-January 3
January 15-17

Personally, I would avoid the dates that have firearms going off on the trail! Some of these dates have restrictions on trail use too.


  1. Being a hunter and a Ultra runner I try to avoid running anywhere hunters can hunt be it bow or shotgun during their season.
    Weather you are a hunter , anti hunter or just don't care hunting dollars support the DNR frankly more than us Ultra folks do (no offense intended).
    Hunters have a very short season and we must all remember we all need to work together.
    My 2 cents,

  2. I think state taxpayer dollars contribute more to DNR than hunting fees, but the point is well taken.

    The park trail is open to all so I still run during archery season...but I usually wait until later in the day. I really hate the anglers and hunters that leave trash on the trail and shore--I find hundreds of shotgun shells every year when I clean the trail. All sorts of lures, bobbers, and fishing line on the river/lake banks too. I won't get started on the number of beer cans...those could be from simple drinkers...but from what I've seen live, I get the feeling it's mostly anglers and hunters.

  3. I missed the memo saying hunters don't also have to pay taxes? That is good to know.
    I think it is the person not the group, I hate picking up gel packs and empty water bottles. People think if they leave them by a sign or somewhere easy to pick up it's ok.
    yes the parks are open to all I guess I just try to be courteous and understand that the folks hunting state land have limited places to go, maybe runners moving the deer helps them at least I hope it does. With the terrible deer problem this state has and the fact they have funds to deal with the problem these hunters are our best hope.

  4. We all pay taxes and we all deserve some access to the trails. I'm not sure if anyone deserves sole access even for temporary time periods. Anyway, the state has plenty of problems beyond deer populations. Habitat destruction and land development being one that drives the deer from their previous homelands. We also have a human population problem (globally, but also in some US locales). Yikes...I better not get going on politics and policies.

    During my run this weekend, I was thinking about fees and access to public lands. I would not be opposed to user fees for any access to the state DNR areas--either a daily pass or annual pass. I'd get an annual pass and feel good about supporting my public lands. DNR could have volunteer days where you earn an annual pass for free. There could be special "open to all" days without fees/passes too. I wish people were required to help maintain parks/trails if they wanted access...but that wouldn't fly with the general population. Want to visit the Grand Canyon...well then volunteer at a local state or federal park first!

  5. Chris,
    I agree 100% I would love to see fees for use of parks. I run a lot over in Indy at Eagle Creek beautiful trails and such, my buddy lives there and buys a yearly membership. I struggle with why we don't do this as well here. I understand the arguement that the land is free and not everyone can afford it but the facts are it costs money to maintain free land too. I think the majority could afford a small fee, and if you can't than make your case just like welfare or food stamps.
    I would fully support a nominal amount where you perhaps get a window sticker saying you are paid for the year.
    I think another great idea is a lifetime pass, they have those for hunting and such.
    If we don't start charging or changing the way we maintain these beautiful lands this arguement will be a mute point.
