Friday, October 30, 2009

Clinton Lake Ultra Over 80% Full

Felt like posting something, but have nothing to say (until Saturday night after the McNaughton Park 30 Miler). The Clinton Lake ultra now has 104 registered runners out of a maximum of 125. That's 83% full. My next update about registration numbers will probably be something like "Race is Full." Don't wait too long if you want to run the first race in the 2010 Illinois Trail Ultra Grand Slam.

You are already viewing the world-famous race blog. Here is the race web site. And the link to currently registered runners. Feel free to skip all that mumbo-jumbo and go to the online registration page directly. I do encourage you to eventually read all the race web site information--lot's of good stuff there and a few warnings and pieces of advice.

Wish me well at McNaughton Park tomorrow morning. It's going to be wet and muddy! How's that different than any other race on that damn course? Good luck to Mike Siltman as the race director of this new fall "McNotAgain" race. Hope it goes well and people enjoy the day. I'm taking it easy. Hope to get in 20 miles of easy walking and running followed by a 10-mile speed loop. I'll report my heart rate splits after the race and compare them to my Farmdale race splits. I am shooting for another negative split (pretty easy to do when your first half is really slow).

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