Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good Time to Start Real Training

For me, this is a good time to start real training. I'm not injured, I'm not sick, and the winter forces me to run slower so I won't try and do too much speed work (or any speed work?). Speed kills. What a great time to re-dedicate myself to a training plan with some new goals for 2010. Also, I'm not in GREAT shape right now, but I'm not in BAD shape either. Perfect place to start building a good aerobic base. The end of one year is a nice place to look at goals for the next year. Setting goals for 2010 pushes me to develop a training plan to reach those goals. All the stars are aligning for me! I'm still thinking about my goal races for 2010...and what training I'll need to reach those goals. Before the end of the year I'll post my race schedule and training plan. I do hope to continue my Friday test runs to track progress for at least the next 6 months.

Hope you are having a good holiday season. Start thinking about YOUR running plans for 2010. Winter just began yesterday and the new year will be here before you know it. At least we will be getting a bit more daylight with each new dawn. More daylight means more training!


  1. Yes, I plan on being up there for a good 6 hour run/walk. If the weather is nasty, I'll skip the trip--otherwise I'm excited!
