Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Riddle Run vs Clinton Lake Ultra

In the past, the low-key and long-running (10 years so far) "Riddle Run" fat ass and the super-awesome Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run had a great relationship. Riddle Run is a 28-mile fun run on gently rolling trails in late January. A perfect place to test yourself and get ready for a spring ultra like Clinton Lake in late March (which is run on not-so-gentle trails). The two races were a nice one-two punch for ultra runners in central Illinois.

The two events also had a collegial relationship where the directors helped each other out on race day. In fact, the two races were so happy to be connected and supportive of each other, there was an agreement that the male & female winners of the Riddle Run would be awarded a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to enter the closed Clinton Lake ultra. Now the rumor mill is churning out all sorts of scandalous gossip...including the possibility of NO RIDDLE RUN in 2010! Can that be possible? And the relationship between the two race directors has become strained of them can hardly be called a runner anymore...he limps along at 12:00 pace...if he's lucky! Even if there is a Riddle Run, there may be no "perk" of being let into the full Clinton Lake ultra. Too bad since there are lots of people on the wait list for Clinton Lake. Who knows, maybe this is all gossip and there really will be an 11th annual Riddle Run in late January. Maybe there will be a prize for the winners. Maybe there will be dancing girls at the finish line. Maybe the Fat Kid will show up. Maybe Angela Bizzarri will be the special guest starter. Maybe not.

I've run ten straight Riddle Run fat ass events...I have the most accumulated miles of any Riddle Run participant (a LOT more than the director himself!) would be nice to complete #11 this January. So keep your eye on this blog, and the National Enquirer, for the latest updates. Inquiring minds want to know...will there be a Riddle Run in the future?


  1. "Maybe the Fat Kid will show up."? I resemble that remark and I'm already signed up.

  2. Santa, Do you really exist? If you do you will talk Jeff Riddle into holding his famed and ever so popular "Riddle Run".

    You could threaten him he will forever remain on the "naughty" list if he does not honor your wish.

    Hmm...But maybe he is already on that list?!

    P.S. should come, the cupcakes are awesome.

    ; ) virginia (aka-donna c.)

  3. Your getting too skinny to be called the "fat kid" Jerry! That nickname is reserved for an old buffalo friend (Spencer). I'm sure we'll have some version of the Riddle Run on the last Saturday in January at the Mahomet trails. It's tradition!

  4. Hey Tommy,
    You and I are the only people to have run all 10 RRs to date. Gotta keep that streak alive for #11.

  5. This is very sobering. That small glimmer (of doing ITUGS 2010)is growing dimmer.
    Matt Condron

  6. Never done the run before, but would love to do it this year if held. Here's one guy in favor of the run NOT being cancelled!

  7. I'm pretty confident that RR11 will occur. If it does, then I'm also pretty sure I'll allow the winners a registration spot into Clinton Lake 2010. We need to have glimmers of hope for everyone!
