Saturday, December 26, 2009

Test Run #3

Friday, my normal "test run" day, fell on Christmas and the gym wasn't open. I don't own a treadmill, so I waited until today to do test run #3. Here are the statistics (parentheses contain changes from previous week):

Saturday, December 26, 2009
3 miles @ 8:00 pace
Average HR = 149 (-1 beat)
Peak HR = 159 (+1 beat)
Resting HR = 55 (-1 beat)
Weight = 170 (-6 pounds)

Pretty good progress! I am very happy about the weight loss during the 8 days that included lots of holiday time. Average, peak, and resting heart rates are essentially the same...although there are more greens than reds (green=improvement, red=decline).

This test run comes after a miserable 10-mile run on the Clinton Lake trail yesterday. It was the worst trail conditions I've ever seen there---mud, leaves, downed trees, and very high water. Some sections had water up to my waist! And I'm not talking about a few feet of trail under water....this was more like 200-300 feet of trail at a time. The water was COLD--felt like needles stabbing my feet and legs. When the trail wasn't under water, it was muddy & slippery. The weather sucked too---started with cold light rain (40 degrees), then switched to snow, sleet, and back to snow with serious winds (20-30mph) and much colder temperatures (29 degrees). When I was done, my feet were completely numb and I couldn't untie my shoes--they were covered with a frozen water/mud mix. The laces were rock solid. After yesterday's crazy run, I was happy to hit the indoor treadmill for a test run today.

PS: Jeff skipped his update this week (too much holiday cheer?), but should be back on track next week.

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