Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 Illinois Grand Slam

The 2010 version of the Illinois Trail Ultra Grand Slam (iTUGS) is set with the same four races as in the past...but with new race directors.  This slam coordination is very tenuous.  Races come and go, directors change, clubs have different priorities...you never know if the "coalition of the willing" will stay together for another year.  Well, the Grand Slam is on for one more year. Here are the races and dates for 2010:

Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run, March 27
McNaughton Park 50/100 Mile Trail Runs, April 10-11
Rock Cut Hobo 50K, September 19
Farmdale 32 Mile Trail Run, October 9

McNaughton has a new race director, Rich, who is taking the place of Andy (who moved to Vermont).  Farmdale also has new directorship--Adam & Mike will be taking over for Dave.  I hope all of the Clinton Lake finishers try to complete the whole darn Grand Slam.  Don't tell me you didn't know the race dates of the other three events...they are listed right here (and on the iTUGS web site).  I encourage you to complete the Grand Slam this year...who knows if it'll be around in 2011.  Jump on board while you can!


  1. But...50?! Can I do it? :-) I'm already planning on running Farmdale again. Hadn't thought about McNaughton or Rock Cut Hobo.

  2. Heidi,
    Farmdale is 50 now too. This is Adam the RD for Farmdale, I'll come run a few loops with you at McNaughton if you want a pacer, and heck yes you can do it!!
    Like Chris said this could be the last year for you to do it!

  3. Really, it is?! Since when....I was debating doing McNotAgain as my first 50. Now I need to re-think my 2010 running plans. Find me on Facebook and explain more if you can ;-P

  4. 50 at McNaughton Park is a breeze...you have the full time given to the 100 milers (34 hours?). You could WALK the entire course, nap, and still finish in time.

  5. But I mean that in the bestest way, of course!

  6. Heidi,
    Sorry facebook and me don't interact. You know court imposed order all that stuff.
    I'll see you at Clinton, there will still be a 30ish option at Farmdale.
    You gotta do 50 at McNaughton, like Chris said no worries!!

  7. Ok I did it, I registered. Adam, you owe me a pacing!

  8. I can do that, just how many loops but if you want me to run all 5 I'm going to register too.

  9. Well my hubby said he'd try to pace me on occasion, but he doesn't run as much as me, so...how about 4.5 loops? ;-P

  10. So do you have to do the 50 miler at Farmdale to qualify for the Grand Slam? I want to know what I should be prepared for.

  11. Brad,
    That is a great idea....but no that wasn't our intention, we had a lot of requests for a 100 miler at Farmdale, but decided on a 50 for 2010 and a 100 miler there or at another location in 2011.
    Of course ultimately it is Chris's call on the 50 being required at Farmdale
    Just let me know. Have you run McNaughton before? I would highly recommend a trip down for a loop or two. Let us know on the IVS board someone is always out there who can show the way

  12. No I have never run McNaughton before. But I'll do a loop sometime before the race...and will let the IVS board know. Wow I bet Chris has never gotten so many comments on one blog post before! Sorry Chris! PS Adam, I sent you a PM on IVS

  13. I will be volunteering at McNaughton and would be happy to pace you for a loop or two. I'm happy to do a training run at MP too--just need a little advance notice.

    For the Grand Slam, only the 30+ mile Farmdale run will be required...but the longer 50 would be OK too!

  14. So Farmdale is having a 50 mile. I am looking for 50 mile options around then. Only done the 8 mile at Farmdale but it was great (actually I ran 9 miles having missed a turn when following Bonnie)
