Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Riddle Run 2010 is a Go

Jeff finally posted the announcement for the 11th annual Riddle Run 28-mile event.  There is a shorter, 12 mile run too.  In fact, people are welcome to run as much or as little as they want...but anything less than the full 28 miles (7 loops of the 4-mile trail) is reported as DNFs.  The run will be on Saturday, January 30 at 8am at the Lake of the Woods trail (start/end at west parking lot off Crowley Rd north of the high school).  Homemade cream-filled cupcake for all participants that complete at least one 4-mile loop.

This will be my 11th time at this fine event.  I may have the most "Riddle Run miles" of anyone on Earth.  Very few people have run all previous events, and of those, most complete much less than 28 miles.  I haven't done 28 miles every time, but more often than not...and I did extra loops one year!  Good times.

Don't forget that the male & female Riddle Run champions are eligible to register for the closed Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run.  You don't get in free, but you do get in if you want to register.  Considering the race has been closed since October, and I have over 20 on a wait list, this is a sweet deal.

Here is part of Jeff's announcement (his e-mail is at the end):

RiddleRun 11
11th Annual Mahomet Trail 12+ Mile Run and 28+ Mile UltraMarathon Fun-Run

Race motto: "A man must love a thing very much if he not only practices it without any hope of fame and money, but even practices it without any hope of doing it well."
- G. K. Chesterton

When: around 8AM sharp!! (according to my watch) on Saturday, Jan. 30 , 2010

Where: Mahomet Trails, aka, Buffalo Trace Trails, Mahomet, IL. (start/finish at parking lot at far west end of bike path at LOW park - go thru Mahomet on State St. past high school, turn right (north), go ½ mile over I-74 to bike path sign). Mahomet is located at the intersection of I-74 and Highway 47 , exit 172. If you can't finish the start line, you'll never finish the course.

Entry Fee: $0.00

Qualifications: PLEASE READ THE FAQ. Absolutely you must be low key and fun. You must not be a wimp, a whiner, or a complainer. You must not give excuses, die, get hurt or sue. If you are, or do, any of these things you will be disqualified and not eligible for any awards.

Awards: $1Million dollars (hey, if the government can create money out of thin year, why can't we!!) ......all you have to do is finish the race under the current world record for the marathon held by Haile Grebralaise in 2hours 3 mins 57 seconds (that's 4:21 mile pace)......in addition, we do have a traveling trophy that the male and female winner get to keep, but not use, for a year.

Appearance Fees: None this year, unless you can convince me you deserve one.

Course: Very Easy - "Moses Tanui" loop course of 4.0544 miles on rolling grass and dirt cross country paths thru 260 acres of a conservation area, consisting of praireland, drainage ditches, bushes, trees, holes, no concrete, ruts, etc...this year more rocks and roots!!! If temp is above 32 there will be mud. You might fall; get dirty, bloody and wet. The course is easy to follow and will be marked, if I'm in the mood, (NOTE: I'VE NEVER BEEN IN THE MOOD) but you better be able to read a map, or you can run with someone for the first loop. You have the option to run the loop backwards after the first loop if you want. You can run the inner loop any direction you want. I found out the first year that white paint and white snow go together too well. **(for all you out there familiar w/ the "Ngugi" 5 mile loop, "Tanui" loop is same except turn right over the gravel culvert after about 2.3 miles instead of left up the hill)

12 +MILE RUN - 3 loops - (actual 12.1632) Again, please remember, this run is for "beginning" runners.

28+ MILE FUN-RUN - 7 loops - (actual 28.3808) This run is for advanced
runners and continues on for 4 more loops after the "beginner" 12 mile 3 loop run is completed.

Cutoff Time: Any time Saturday. But, it gets dark about 4:52 PM so you have 8h52min. to finish the Advanced Run before dark. That's about 18:43 pace per mile for the advanced runners. Note: I used to say no cutoff time but Bruce Winter took advantage of that one year...see the FAQ.

Aid: None - BYOA - (bring your own aid) each loop will go by your car in the parking lot. Be aware that water freezes when temps are below 32 (very likely). Bring your own water bottle. We will not have cups or volunteers -nobody's that crazy.

Timing: There will be a clipboard (in my car) for you to write down your name and time after each completed loop. As usual, try to write neat. I know your fingers may be frostbitten but it helps to be able to read your times. I would hate to disqualify you for unreadable times. Wear a watch to keep your own time....and keep the watch running, no stopping it at each aid stop. No one will be counting your loops for you.

Remember, cheaters never prosper!!

Facilities: None. (The park has a rest room and water fountain located 1/10 mile off the course on the east side of the loop, but it may be locked and water is usually turned off in the cold winter months).

Just email Jeff (riddle_AT_illinois.edu) to enter so his wife has a list for the cupcakes.

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