Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CRUD 8-Hour Trail Run & Relay

Central Illinois is fast becoming the mecca for ultra running.  We have another inaugural race this summer--on Saturday, May 22 at 8am the newest timed trail event in Illinois will occur: CRUD 8-Hour Trail Run & Relay.  It's put on by the CITRA group (same IVS folks that do the Farmdale Trail Ultra in October).  Good guys & gals so it should be an awesome event.  I plan on being there.  It's only one week after Gnaw Bone 50K, but I'm an ultra runner...I surely can handle weekend to weekend ultra runs! The location for this new ultra should be ideal for a timed event--Jubilee State Park (west of Peoria) has great facilities and it looks like the RDs have a nice 3.1 mile trail loop set-up.  If you aren't ready for the full solo 8 hours, they also have a relay for 2-4 member teams.  No excuses.  Registration is already open--save some cash by registering by April 24.  NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION AVAILABLE (smart fellas over there).

If you've never done a timed ultra event...this is your chance.  Howl at the Moon 8-Hour was my first ultra way back in 2000. These timed events usually have less pressure and a more relaxed atmosphere--everyone is out there for the full time...doesn't matter if you run fast or slow we all still finish together.  Makes for a very fun and social event. 

Rumor has it there may be yet ANOTHER ultra event in the Peoria area this fall.  Keep an eye on this blog and the CITRA web site for details.  Geeez...those folks need to get a life.


  1. Awesome. I didn't know about this one. I hope I can come.

  2. It should be a very good event. I'm hoping to do the full 8-hour solo...but may default back to a relay runner if Gnaw Bone 50K kills me.
