Monday, March 22, 2010

Almost Time to Say Goodbye

I wanted to let this year's runners and volunteers know that this is my last year as race director of the Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run.  Don't worry, the race will continue next year through Second Wind Running Club as usual.  There will be new RDs (Bob and Mike) and I'm sure they will do a fine job.  After the race, this blog will still exist with the same URL, but it will not be the "Clinton Lake Ultra" blog--more likely "Chris' Blog" or some such nonsense.  I may still post a few things about the race...but it will be unofficial and incomplete.  I'm going to focus more on trail running, training, and ultras...I hope it is still interesting and you'll keep reading.  I'll keep running and writing.

So, it is almost time to say "goodbye."  Not quite yet.  I still have plenty of race work to do.  Please make sure you say "Hi" (and "Bye") to me on race day.  It has been very gratifying to start this race and then direct it for four years.  I'll miss seeing all of the runners each year...but it was time to step down and concentrate on other aspects of my life...and running.  I'm quite certain I'll see most of you at trail races around the country in the future.  Thank you for running the race and reading my blog!

ONLY FIVE DAYS UNTIL THE RACE...and six days until my race retirement!  See you soon. Weather for race day is forecast to be cloudy with a high of 60...and no rain.  We'll see.


  1. I just replied to your post over on my page, but I'll repost here for all to see: Best of luck with everything this weekend! CL was my first Ultra back in '07 and you ushered me into a whole new world with style! I imagine 4 years in RD time is kind of like 12 to 16 years in regular human time. So, you've earned some retirement.

    I'll see you out there in the dirt somewhere, sometime soon!

  2. Thanks. Yeah, maybe race directing years are like dog years...a 7:1 ratio! It's time to step aside and let some fresh blood direct the race. That north fork Clinton Lake trail is fantastic and I'm pleased that we managed to get an ultra race out there. Maybe I'll run the darn thing next year!

  3. R & J Perrysburg, OHMarch 23, 2010 at 12:58 PM


    Short and simple - THANK YOU! Great race, great time, great fun! We will miss you "running the show" but look forward to "running with you"!

  4. Runners like you have made it a joy to direct this race. You'll still see me at races around the area...Gnaw Bone, Ice Age, Dances with Dirt, and Clinton Lake itself!

  5. Aww, really? Well I signed up just in time then :-)

  6. Heidi,
    Glad you did sign up. This _may_ be the last year for the Grand Slam too. Clinton Lake will continue with new RDs, but I don't know if anyone will coordinate the Slam after this year. It may go away or be replaced by a different race series.
