Saturday, March 27, 2010

Preliminary Race Results

I'm pretty sure these are comprehensive and accurate.  If you find a mistake, I am happy to make corrections...but I have 2-3 pieces of evidence for each entry so I'm confident they are correct (we could be off by 1-2 seconds on any entry, but the order should be correct and the one or two seconds are simply measurement error).  We'll get this posted on the Second Wind race web site on Tuesday or Wednesday, but it's now available via my Google Docs spreadsheet:

Preliminary Results for 2010 Race

Congratulations to every finisher!  Hope the DNFers are recovering well and ready for another try soon.  I'll have a race report tomorrow and maybe some pictures too.  Sleep well deserve it!

PS:  If anyone is missing some gear, I may have found your stuff at the post-race clean-up. Let me know what you're looking for and I might have it.  

NOTE: All Clinton Lake finishers are now entered into the Illinois Trail Ultra Grand Slam.  Only three more trail ultras and you'll be a Slammer!  Sign up for McNaughton Park 50/100 now.  Recover over the summer and then do Rock Cut Hobo and Farmdale in the fall.


  1. Thank you Chris and all the great volunteers! It is a friendly, well-run, awesome race.

    A job well done!

  2. Chris and volunteers thank you thank you thank you, great race as always Chris.
    The gods gave you great weather (for once!!) as a send off.
    You sure have created a wonderful event.
    All the best

  3. Chris,

    Great event! Big thanks to you and the volunteers. Thanks for ordering the great weather!!! After driving through Illinois to get to the race, I figured the course would be much flatter. Nope! Great day for a run on a beautiful trail :-)


  4. Thanks! I enjoyed the day and I'm very pleased how this event has turned out the last 4 years. It took a LOT of effort to get it off the ground, but it is now in a solid place where the new co-RDs can take it over and keep it moving forward.

  5. Thanks again for a great race and the weather ;-) It couldn't have been better!

  6. Chris,

    Thanks for another successful year. The trail was great, the weather was great, the volunteers were great and the race was great. I appreciate all of your hard work.


  7. Thanks for the great race, Chris. I can't imagine the race going any better from my perspective. I'll be back next year for sure!
    -Greg D

  8. Thanks Chris for getting out those preliminary results so quickly. Those of us who couldn't be there, and I am certain those who were, are appreciative.
    Jim R

  9. Chris, I am adding to the list of "Thanks!". The All you can eat buffett at miles 5.5 and 10 was awesome. I just may be broken the record for most food consumed during an Ultra!
