Saturday, March 27, 2010

Race Morning 2010

It's around 3:30am and I'm getting ready to join Gregg & Jeff to load supplies and head out to the race site to set-up the aid stations, slap some markers and signs on the road and course, and prepare the finish line.  ONLY FOUR HOURS UNTIL WE START!  My outdoor thermometer reads 32.  Cold, but not too bad.  It'll warm up quickly.  We are supposed to have a high of 56 with mostly cloudy skies and a steady breeze. Good running weather!

I should be back home and online again around 7-8pm tonight to post a quick race report. Kelly, our running club President (and webmaster), usually posts results very quickly once I have them in ready-to-display format.

GOOD LUCK RUNNERS!  We should have a wonderful race.  As always, all I want is good weather, a fair course, and no injuries.

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