Monday, May 17, 2010

Course PR at Gnaw Bone 50K

I finished my third Gnaw Bone 50K this past Saturday with a race course "personal record" time of 6:22.  That's not a PR for the 50K distance, but a course PR.  I've been getting a little faster each time I run this race--even though the course seems to get a bit nastier each year!  We had a good dose of mud and water this year...but less than the last two times I ran the event.  This year did have more off-course bush-wacking and some serious new hills.  All this craziness is consistent with race advertising from the Dances with Dirt folks...

A message from Goat Quarters, Hell, Michigan:

Weak, wimpy, treadmill running pansies who are afraid to get some dirt in their shorts need not apply.
Expect to be scratched, muddied and bruised by the beauty of this unpolished gem.
Expect to get out near the edge where life is full color.
Expect a day that leaves you knowing you are fully alive, awake and crankin' on all cylinders.
Expect insanity, stupidity and nirvana.

They delivered on these expectations.  Congratulations to them on creating a very tough trail course.  Unfortunately, there was a also a "missing" aid station at Ogle Lake.  That spot has always been a big aid station and a great last chance to really fuel up and replace fluids before a big climb and trek to the finish.  Oh well.  I also missed one turn on the course and lingered for about 5 minutes at another potential turn (waiting for fellow runners to help make a decision).  Overall, the course was marked better than last year. Still, I would have enjoyed the Ogle Lake aid station.

We had very good weather...until the rain started as I finished.  Felt bad for my running buddy Gregg who was out there almost a full 11 hours...the last 4-5 hours with rain.  He slipped early on and fell hard injuring his back & ribs, but still managed to persevere and claim a hard-earned finish.  This is a beautiful and challenging trail run in Brown County State Park near Nashville, IN (picture at top left is the bridge at the north entrance to the park).  I recommend it highly to any trail runner.  For me, I'm taking next year off from Gnaw Bone.  I've had enough of the mud and off-course meanderings.  I'm sure I'll be back in the future.  The rustic cabins in the state park (at Abe Martin Lodge) worked out well and put us close to the start/finish area.  I'd stay there again...or maybe pitch a tent in one of the campgrounds.  If you are looking for a tough trail run in the Midwest, no need to look further.  Gnaw Bone offers a 50K or 50-mile option in addition to a marathon, half-marathon, and 100K-relay.

Now I need to recover and get ready for the CRUD 8-Hour trail run this Saturday.  I'm not feeling too bad today.  My arms are sore (holding a water bottle for 6+ hours) and my legs are a little stiff, but I'm feeling OK.  Good thing since I only have 5 days to go until the 8-hour run!


  1. Hey Chris,

    Nice job on what sounds to be a really hard race. Have you ran the trail that the 8 hour race will be held on? If so what do you think of it? Not that I really plan to push myself to really compete but what milage do you think will win it?


  2. I haven't run any trails at Jubilee State Park. I don't think it'll be a tough loop...probably a rolling single track trail. Not sure how many miles will be needed for the win. Probably 40+, but less than 50 miles? Weather may be rather warm (80 degrees!) so it could be less miles. I'm not planning on winning, but I hope to hit 40 miles in 8 hours.

  3. I was thinking the 45-50 mile range will take it too. It's gonna be a hot one!!
