Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 4: The Rain

I started my day 4 running a little late due to thunderstorms that were still hanging around from the night.  Eventually the last of the rain past by around 5:30am and I hit the trails.  THIS WAS EASILY MY BEST RUN OF THE WEEK.  Probably one of my best runs in weeks. The rain had cleared pollen from the air and made everything seem fresh.  The trail was soft, a bit muddy in spots, but generally just nice. The temperatures were a little cooler and the air felt dry--even though it had just rained.  I ran 5 miles in my new Vibram Bikilas and then 2 miles barefoot.  Stopped at 7 miles and it felt grand.  I think cutting back to 12 miles yesterday really let me recover.  Barefoot on a clean, cool, damp trail feels awesome.

Day 4 Miles: 7 (47% of goal)
Week Total: 69 (86% on target)


  1. Sounds like fun. Sorry I couldn't join you for some barefoot miles this time.

  2. Andrew,
    Missed seeing you on the trails this year. Great barefooting conditions.
