Friday, July 9, 2010

No ATY for Me

I have decided not to run this year's "Across the Years" 72-Hour race.  I signed up for the race lottery (thinking I wouldn't be selected), then I got selected to be in the 72-hour event, then I waffled between excitement-anxiety-uncertainty, then I decided this wasn't for me.  I received a nice reminder phone call and e-mail from the race director saying it was getting close to the deadline for accepting the invite and paying the registration fees.

The last 2-3 weeks I've been behind in my training and also had serious family medical problems to deal with--it just didn't seem like a good time to commit to yet another expensive, out-of-town race.  I'll try my best at the Canadian Death Race at the end of July, then do Howl at the Moon 8-hour in mid-August. plans.

I hope whomever gets my vacated ATY spot enjoys the race.  Best of luck to all the runners in all three events (24-hr, 48-hr, and 72-hr).

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