Saturday, September 18, 2010

Two Rivers Treads Running Store

Wouldn't it be cool to have a running shoe store that promoted barefoot and minimalist running?  Even a store that had ONLY minimalist type shoes with minimal heel to toe drop, little cushioning, and no motion control devices?  Well, there is such a store!  It's called the "Two Rivers Treads" running store.  The subtitle of the store is "a center for natural running and walking."  Pretty darn cool.  The motto on their home page is "Welcome to the first running store to abandon the modern running shoe."  I wish I lived near this West Virginia store.  They do sell shoes online, but not with the simple click and buy interface that shoe warehouses prefer.  They want to INTERACT with their clients.  What a nice way to sell shoes.  In addition to having the store front on their web page, they have tons of great information and links to articles, videos, and other sites that fit with the natural running philosophy.  Mark Cucuzzella is the store founder and happens to be a fairly good runner.  He's also a family physician who knows a lot about running from a physiological and kinesthetic perspective. 

One of my favorite web sites, Living Barefoot, featured Mark on their "Living Barefoot" radio show.  Here is the link to that interview.  The interview is very comprehensive (67 minutes long) and is one of the best I've heard on barefoot and minimalist running.  I strongly encourage you to listen to it on your computer or download it to your MP3 or iPod. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post, thanks for sharing that running store information to us.
