Friday, October 15, 2010

Runner's World and Minimalist Shoes

A recent Runner's World magazine article (November 2010) by Bob Parks entitled "Is Less More?" takes up the issue of barefoot running and minimalist shoes. The article touches on some good points and gives a semi-fair perspective on barefoot running and the minimalist shoe trend.  Considering just 2 years ago the magazine, which relies on shoe advertising, wouldn't say much positive about the movement, this is a step in the right direction.  I suppose their advertisers are finally putting out more minimalist shoes...and now they can report that there might be something to this movement.  It's about time!  I hope we see more these articles in various running magazines...people need to know this is a valid choice for runners of all distances.  Now if we can only get Runner's World to have cover photos of real runners and not just cute models we'll have made some real change.  It wouldn't hurt to actually show people of color on the front cover too...seems it's always young, white, females--not that I have anything against seeing young white females dressed in skimpy running attire!  But seriously, can't they highlight elite runners from all nations?  How about recreational runners of all ethnic backgrounds?


  1. It's great that the barefoot/minimalist/fully shod discussion is becoming more open and civilized.

  2. I like your phrase of "civilized" discussion. Seems like things were very nasty in the past. Yep, it's good to have more discussion, more research, and more openness to change.

  3. Keep the cute models but at least have them running as a runner :-)

    I dropped my RW sub years ago. Pick up the odd issue (even though a sub would save me money).

  4. Ian,

    Yeah, I don't subscribe to RW either--haven't for years. I look online occasionally. I do subscribe to Running Times--they seem pretty reasonable and their subscription prices are fairly cheap if you look for specials. And, of course, I also subscribe to UltraRunning and Marathon & Beyond.
