Saturday, November 27, 2010

Test Run on 11-26-10

My new baseline data is reported in my November 16, 2010 post.  Here are my stats from yesterday's test run on the treadmill (parentheses has change from previous test run):

3 miles @ 8:00 pace
Weight: 169  (0 change)
Resting HR: 53  (0 change)
Average HR: 146  (+10 beats)
Peak HR: 155  (+8 beats)
Recovery HR (2 minute heart rate drop): 36  (+4 beats)
Beats/Mile: 1168  (+80 beats)

I'm not happy with this new test run.  Maybe my baseline is too good?  My only improvement was my recovery HR--it dropped an extra 4 beats--but that's mostly an artifact of the higher ending heart rate from the run itself. Oh well.  Maybe it's the extra food I ate for Thanksgiving?  At least I didn't gain any weight.

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