Friday, November 19, 2010

Ultrarunning World Magazine

Who doesn't like free stuff?  Who doesn't like free ultrarunning stuff?  How about a free ultrarunning magazine?  Only crazy people wouldn't want free ultra stuff.  Don't be crazy.  Check out the new UK magazine called "Ultrarunning World."  They provide free access to their PDF version of the magazine!  The back issues are available, as well as the current November 2010 issue.  It covers "the world" which obviously is more than just the USA ultra scene, but it still has some North American races and articles.  I wish them success.

In addition to the periodical, the web site has useful links to events and resources.  It's a new site, so don't expect "the world" from them yet. Still, it's nice to have another ultra place to find information.  Of course, in the USA, there are two great magazine resources with tons of pictures, articles, race reports, etc:

Marathon & Beyond

Happy reading!

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