Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Riddle Run is no More

It's the first day of winter...surprise, surprise.  I guess that's why I haven't seen the grass in a while.  That white stuff has been around for a while...and it wasn't even winter yet!  Now more bad news for running...

"RiddleRun will not happen in 2011. I’m still a little bummed out at our local park, thinking they may put out a hidden camera  like they did for my mowing, so they can throw me in jail….maybe next year it will return, maybe not. Anyway, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. See you around." -Jeff

The famous "Riddle Run" winter fat ass will not be held in January 2011. This would have been the 12th annual event, but Jeff (the organizer) has had enough of the local park and their silly, uncooperative ways.  I have done all 11 of these fat ass runs so far--I believe only Tom Rice has also done each one.  I have more total miles than Mr. Rice--last year I completed my 249th "Riddle Run mile."  That includes seven full 28+ mile finishes.  My shortest run was 12 miles (that was the distance of the short "fun run" when this originally started back in 2000). I'll miss this great event. There were lots of good memories created on that trail every January when dozens of friends would congregate and run 4-mile loops to celebrate the start of a new year...and burn off those extra holiday calories.  The "Riddle Run" epitomized the philosophy of the original fat ass runs started by Joe Oakes back in the late 1970s.  No money, no prizes...you just show up and run.  Nice and simple.  I hope Jeff takes pride in starting, and continuing, a great tradition for so many years.  Thanks Jeff.  At the end of January, I may still be out on the same trails, at the same time the event would have occurred, but it won't be the same without you.  Times change, but we keep running and hopefully keep adding to the good memories.


  1. I'm so fortunate to have run the Riddle Run twice. It's the first fat ass I'd run, and it embodies everything that a fat ass is--a gathering of people running post-holidays in whatever the elements are simply for the joy of running and camaraderie. This run holds a special place in my development as a runner and as a member of a running family. I am sad, too, that I never did better than a DNF every time and I won't get the chance to try for a finish this year. Thanks again to Jeff for his selflessness and devotion to the happiness of others. This is senseless.

  2. I'm extremely fortunate to have run every single Riddle Run to date. That first one was crazy tough! I'll miss this formal/unofficial fat ass run. I still plan on getting out and doing 28 miles on that day. Won't be the same.

  3. I have to agree. Last year was the only Riddle Run I have ever done, but the event truly embodied the spirit of running. The atmosphere was incredible and the crowd that made it out--what a great group. Everybody I came with (all first-timers) still talks about their experience from the run and agree that the Riddle Run helped them reappreciate the simplicity of running. Thanks again Jeff, we appreciate what you've done. Hopefully we'll be back in 2012

  4. We can all hope (and beg?) that it returns in 2012.
