Monday, January 31, 2011

12th (Not) Riddle Run Report

This past weekend saw the running of the 12th annual Riddle Run fat ass event.  Actually, this was the Not Riddle Run event organized by Jeff's son Jason rather than the senior Riddle himself.  Still, the tradition was kept in the family and the cupcakes and clipboard were ready for runners at 8am.  Before we headed down the trail, Jason and Jeff held a cupcake eating content between two runners--then Jason gave a stirring speech regarding our right to run--then the group sauntered down the snowy trail.

Around 40 people showed up and did at least one 4-mile loop of the trail course.  More may have run, but not logged their miles on the self-service clipboard. Seven runners finished the full 28 miles...including me!  I ran my fastest Riddle Run yet: 5:14.  Last year I ran 5:49. My previous best was 5:21 (2008).  The winning time this year was 4:57 by Brian and Elliot.  Hey, that means I was only a few minutes behind those guys!  I hope this is a good sign for the rest of the year.

The weather cooperated and we had overcast skies and temperatures in the mid-20s to mid-30s.  No new snow and only light winds all day.  The trail was covered with a couple of inches of snow that had been packed down into a "running lane" that was easy to follow, but a bit slick at times.  Not packed ice, but still uneven and slightly slippery.  Overall, pretty good conditions for a late January run.

I wonder if the (Not) Riddle Run winners will get into the closed Clinton Lake ultra?  That was past tradition.  Guess it's between the (Not) Riddle Run race director and the new Clinton Lake director.  Not my decision.

NOTE:  After 12 Riddle Runs (including this one), I now have a total of 277 "Riddle Run miles."  Most of anyone in the world!  Also believe only one other person, Tom Rice, has participated (run at least one loop) in all 12 events.  Tom is way behind me in total miles...but likely ahead of me in "beers consumed" during and after each run.  Both are mighty achievements.  Good job Tom.


  1. got the NB 10 trail minimus last night..they are different, definintely a tough sole, but flexible, 8.3oz in size 12, fit seems good, I'll be at fittek this morning...jeff

  2. You'll need t post a review on your blog.
