Sunday, January 23, 2011

60 Days of Continuous Running

Are you kidding me?  I just came back from a 5-mile run on cold and snowy trails.  This was my 60th day of "streak running."  Pretty cool to have reached this milestone.  Sixty days is basically 2 months of not missing a day of running.  I'm pleased.  The treadmill is becoming a friend and foe...I hate that machine!  Last winter, I got outside in almost any weather conditions--but I only ran 3 or 4 days per week.  Those miserable outdoor days were fine when they were interspersed with cozy days inside with no running.  This winter has brought colder temperatures and more snow than last year...and I'm trying to run each and every day.  My persistence has led me to the dreaded treadmill.  It is a life-saver on bitter cold and icy mornings, but it gets old fast. Today's run encouraged me to suck it up and get outside more often.  With the correct running clothes, it's fairly pleasant to brave the cold and "beat" old man winter.  My trusty New Balance 790s, with screws inserted for extra traction, have held up nicely so far. Hopefully when I report 90 days of daily running the weather will be turning slightly warmer and snow will not be covering every street, trail, corn field, meadow, tree, bush, track, and field.

Wish me luck.  This running streak thing is starting to come together.


  1. Congrats on the milestone, Chris!

  2. Thanks Greg. I'm curious to see if this consistency will pay-off in my early spring races (March marathon and April 50 miler). I haven't gotten in the long runs, but I sure have gotten in a LOT more regular runs than in past winters!

  3. Congrats on the streak. I'm currently working on my third year, but the hardest part is really the first couple of months - after that, it becomes an ingrained habit.

    I wind up on the dreadmill a lot (young kids, so it's convenient), and it never gets fun. The best I can say for it is that it becomes tolerable.

    Missed talking with you at CRUD last year, hope to catch you there this year.

  4. Garou,
    Congrats on YOUR running streak! I hope that after about 90 days (3 months) it'll be fairly ingrained. I'll be at CRUD again this year--trying to decide between 8 hour and 24 hour event.

  5. Today is day 25 for me. I'm going for 100 days with a minimum 30 minutes running per day. A treadmill is not an option for me. On most days I run trails regardless of the weather and amount of snow. Your streak is partly what motivated me to begin one for myself. Thank you and keep it up!

  6. Good job Ben. I think if I can hit 90-100 days, I'll be able to keep this thing going all year. Maybe.

  7. Chris,
    Congratulations! And thanks to you I am on the running streak as well! Today was 45th day! The first few days were often 1 to 1.5 miles. But the last 30 days have been majority 3 miles per day. Almost all were barefoot running in my basement.
