Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Winter is Over

The real end of winter occurs on March 20, but I declare today the end of winter.  Instead of snow and ice, we have rain.  I wake up to temperatures above freezing.  I don't worry about slipping on ice, I worry about getting my shoe stuck in the mud.  These are the pleasures of spring trail running in the Midwest.  While I can't promise no more snow or ice, I can promise it won't last long.  I don't anticipate having inches of snow covering our local Illinois trails.  There won't be streets coated with ice.  Winter is over...spring is here in central Illinois!

I made it through this winter by running everyday...through -5 degree mornings...through -30 windchills...through snow and ice...I made it to spring.  I might call myself a "winter warrior."  And with that declaration, here's another great running video from YouTube:

You can now revel in your winter achievements and look forward to spring.  I'm telling you, winter is over! Get outside and run.

Don't worry, I'm getting tired of these text to video things too.  I won't be posting many more...unless I find a truly interesting one...or I make one myself. 


  1. You've done it now(!) -- Winter will now rear its head again . . . (good for me & my hot blood).

    I think I've recovered enough to give LBL a try this year. Hope you've done the same -- see you Saturday?

  2. Ed,

    The weather looks perfect for Saturday in KY.

    I just decided not to go to LBL. My longest run in the last 4 weeks or so is 5 miles. My calf is about 90% healed and I'm ready to ramp up my training...slowly and surely. No racing yet. I'll be back for the Pekin ultra (Potawatomi). I'm only doing the 50 miler there. Good luck at LBL.
