Friday, April 22, 2011

Sandy Memorial Run 2011

My sister Sandy passed away on this date back in 2006 after a terrible car accident.  Hard to believe it's been 5 years.  I miss her.  Today, Earth Day, is not a celebration of her "day of death"--but a celebration of her life.  She was 47 years old when she died.  In the past I've run 47 miles or 47 kilometers as a memorial to her.  Then I donate $47 to the local humane society (Sandy loved animals).  Today, I will run 4.7 miles barefoot on my local muddy trails.  I figure a barefoot mile is equivalent to 10 shod miles.  Maybe not, but that's my rationale.  And it'll be something different and a fun way to remember my sister.  Sandy loved the outdoors so I think she would have approved of a barefoot romp through the mud.  Run 4.7 miles barefoot in the rain, then toss back a cold beer.  Afterward, I'll still donate $47 to the humane society...can't cut that donation to $4.70.  Hope my sister is smiling down upon me.

So on this Earth Day, do your standard environmental duties...reduce, recycle, reuse.  And head out for a run and remember your loved ones.

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