Friday, June 17, 2011

My New Best Friend

My new best friend is pictured at the left. We might not be friends forever, but it's sure been a great first 12 hours!  Two runs tracked, saved, mapped, and analyzed...and I'm ready for more!  In case you don't recognize my friend, he's a Garmin Forerunner 305.  In addition to tracking distance, time, speed, and also has a heart rate monitor so I can automatically synthesize heart rate data with the other variables.  With free software, I can download the GPS data onto my computer and plot the entire workout onto various maps (including Google Earth), integrate time-distance-elevation-heart rate profiles, and upload to DailyMile (or other workout tracking sites).  Pretty nifty.  I've already switched from not tracking anything (even daily miles) to tracking EVERYTHING...then downloading, then uploading, then analyzing, then mapping...then smiling...then thinking about my next run.  This should inspire me to run more double-days and really pile on the total miles...and I'll have to start running faster's now all tracked! 


  1. I used to have one of those. I hope you enjoy yours. I sold mine. More data than I need. Really, who cares how fast I run each kilometre? All that does is make running less fun. I want to run at whatever speed and whatever distance gives me joy. Can't measure that with a Garmin. Sometimes I don't even wear a watch when I run. With no shoes and no watch, I may soon be running naked (just kidding!):)

  2. Janice,

    I agree...running is all about being happy and enjoying the experience. I haven't logged a single run for over a year. I've used a HRM to keep me going slower (or a bit faster for specific runs)--but I only use it on that run. No tracking or logging miles, speed, pace, heart rate, etc. Now I'm going in the opposite direction (for a while) with this new Garmin watch. It'll keep me motivated and on target for late summer and early fall races. I'm a geek at heart so this may keep me amused for quite some time. Maybe not.

  3. I also found mine started to irritate my wrist. Not sure why, but that was what started me doing without it. I also used to display average pace and found myself watching constantly and getting upset when my average was less than I wanted. Some of my friends use them on trails and when I'm on trails I kinda wish I hadn't sold mine. Oh well. That and for geocaching. I hope it helps you for race season. I know I'm slowing down these days. I'd rather not see the hard data so that I have some hope of convincing myself otherwise!

    BTW....I enjoy reading your blog:)

  4. Chris,
    I hope you enjoy your new gadget. It seems like fun. I have used my Polar HRM for years and on every run! The main reason I use it is to push myself to reach a higher heart rate. Only other use is exactly the opposite of reaching a high rate. During races i use it to force myself to stay below a certain heart rate!

    So in summary, HRM has been a great motivator to improve myself. I hope your new gadget does the same for you.

  5. Janak,

    I've used a HRM for quite a while, but never had the GPS (time, distance, elevation, etc) to go with it. It'll be fun to track all sorts of data--the watch stats downloads to the computer (and can easily upload to several web sites for logging runs and data automatically).

    Sorry about you run streak ending. Rest up and you'll be back better than ever!
