Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best Runner of All Time

So who's the best runner of all time? Hard question to answer, eh? Not for me. My "best" runner is still going strong to this day. He currently holds 13 world records. Have any guesses? He's Canadian and runs distances from 1500 meters to the marathon...winning at all distances!

He's my running idol...even though he doesn't want to inspire anyone.  He doesn't even enjoy running...but he trains everyday.  Nice and easy.  No sprints, no tempo runs, no VO2 max runs. No track work.  No hills. Just easy long runs. Yet he races very well!  And he enjoys racing. Who is this runner?  Last weekend he ran a 3:15 marathon at the age of 80.

Here are a few of his track records...
DistanceAge GroupTime
1500mMen 80-845:48.93pending
Mile:Men 75-795:41.80
3000mMen 75-7911:10.43
3000mMen 80-8412:13.56pending
5000mMen 70-7418:33.38Better mark by Ron Robertson pending
5000mMen 75-7919:07.02
5000mMen 80-8420:58.12pending
10000mMen 70-7438:04.13
10000mMen 75-7939:25.16
10000mMen 80-8442:39.95pending

Check out these age group records on the roads...
DistanceAge GroupTime
10KMen 70-7437:33
10KMen 75-7940:10
15KMen 65-6955:04
15KMen 70-7458:19
15KMen 75-791:00:19
Half MarathonMen 70-741:22:23
Half MarathonMen 75-791:29:26
MarathonMen 70-742:54:48
MarathonMen 75-793:04:54
MarathonMen 80-843:15:54

My "best" runner of all time is Ed Whitlock. He's my running hero. My idol.

Ed Whitlock's Still Going at 80 (June 28, 2011 National Post news story)

Ed Whitlock and the Age of Simplicity (Running Times article from March 2010)

Daily 3-hour slow runs around a cemetery? Classic.

Ed Whitlock's training, and excellent race performances, reinforce the notion that tons of long, aerobic training will prepare you for fast racing.  I'm with you Ed! You inspire me. My goal over the next 12-18 months is to beat your race times that you ran after you turned 75. OK, you are over 30 years my senior...but let's keep that between you and me. I intend to beat your 75-79 age group PRs...and it ain't going to be easy!

Here are my new goals (based on Ed's age group records for a 75-79 year old):

5K = 19:07
10K = 39:25
Half Marathon = 1:29:26
Marathon = 3:04:54

How the hell did he run these fast times when he was in his late 70s? Can I run these in my mid-40s? Looks like I need to kick my training into high gear...not necessarily fast training, just lots of running.


  1. As much as I enjoyed the story of the "Turbaned Tornado" running the Toronto marathon at the age of 100, I thought it unfortunately overshadowed Ed's amazing accomplishment. Definitely an inspiration.

  2. "Running" a marathon when you are 100 is impressive...running a 3:15 when you are 80 is AWESOME!!!
