Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Running Form...Not

Zero Drop called attention to this YouTube video the other day. They titled it "Gaits of Hell." Cute.  It's actually called "Don't Be That Awkward Runner"--which is generally good advice. I try to pay attention to my running form.  I go with minimalist shoes when possible, and occasionally run completely barefoot. No better way to learn proper technique than by running barefoot. Your bare feet are your best coaches. Check out this 2-minute video...

Remind you of any friends?  See yourself here?

Don't be that awkward runner. Go minimal and find good running form.


  1. For readers who want to know more about how better form can help improve their running, this video series will help you.

    Running Form Video Series>>>> http://www.TransFORM-Your-Running.com

    Courtesy of Running Coach
    Ken at 5 Speed Running

  2. Actually, I thought the "Dandy" guy had half decent form! Well, at least from the hips down...
